school starting to show true far never kena detention yet, but going to. When i go back on monday surely kena alrdy..Zzz..i copy hmwk den teacher saw..suay siah..teacher eyes so big..anything oso can see..1 hour detention oso nth disadvantage but got's that we dunid attend maths least i see a bright side...
that day, tuesday, after umpteen times of warning, i still never bring thermometer to school, so, i have to skip maths lesson again..and queue with my frens..we stand at the back to avoid maths lesson, wenever got ppl come, we say let them go 1st, we intend do it until maths lesson finish, but no choice, even doh we are the last, we still took our temperature and left for maths...
Home econ taught me to cook..i'm "a chef"
So far we have learn how to make pizza and muffin, pizza is a piece of cake...
I really tot they are gonna give us the dough to make pizza, who noes? Instead of using dough, they normal bread..the squarish kind of bread..
Stingy-bitches...oh yarh, btw, my home econ teacher dam GL siah, pregnant alrdy, den look depress or smth, wen angry, herself, she would vent all her angers at us..
The second week we do muffin, kinda fun...
To me quite difficult seh...Teacher say take 4 spoon of flour, 1 spoon of sugar, 1/4 spoon of vanilla flavouring, eggs, raisins and nuts..oh yarh, and butter
My recipe very special..dun follow teacher instruction...
I told my partner i will take the ingredient, dun let him do the "difficult" job..
So, i bring my metal bowl to the table to collect the ingredients, 4 spoon of flour, and i took 2 full spoon of sugar, for flavouring, i took 1/4 spoon, egg took one, butter took i cube, raisins and nuts..i pour away some to other ppl bowl..heehheeh..
As we do, we made a mess on our table, i crack the egg, den the slimy liquid flow out of the bowl, waa..i kena force to use HAND and wipe away...Stupid Teacher..!!
When finish everything alrdy, i kena scolding again wen i hang the chopping borad on the hook, but actually have to put beside the basin only..
Hope i can try make muffins again..1st time fail T.T..